Tuesday, July 29, 2008

3yr Physical

Well, I'm finally here! I've been wanting to get a blog started since Bryan was born but every mother knows how very little time there is with a little one. I just hope that I can find the time to keep it up.

We had our 3 yr well visit earlier today with Dr. Strange. It was going very well until they asked Bryan to undress and slip on the infamous paper robe. He didn't like that very well. He thought it was a something for girls b/c it didn't have any fabric between the legs. He wasn't thrilled to say the least. But of course he loosened up when Dr. Strange let him play with his own stethascope. Then he was good to go. We had our first hearing test today as well as our first vision test. I must say he was a pretty good trooper.....until the end.

We had our 2nd and last Hep shot as well as our 2nd and last Chicken Pox shot. And I will just say that it was AWFUL! It was so much easier when they were babies and couldn't conceptualize what was coming. But today...he could see it coming and the screams began in advance. But I know he gets that from me though. I've always been deathly scared of needles, even in college. At least he does LOOK like his dad. :)

And we got the news that he would be between 6'2" and 6'4" when all was said and done. It's so funny b/c each time we go to a well visit and they see his ratios compared to the other children, they look at me, then they look at my feet, and then they say "How tall is daddy?". Everytime. But at least she wrote it down today.

When he put his gown on and I saw how it affected him, I immediately ran back to the car to get the camera. I've been playing with some of the pics tonight, I hope you enjoy. I'd love to hear any comments-

Until next time...

How cute are these feet????

"Listening for the chirping bird"...

Say ahhhhh!

"Now this is more like it!"

"At least mom let me wear my HULK underwear!"


It was over after that. :( Unfortunately my hands were a little tied up and I couldn't snap any shots of this- But I did get this shot which I absolutely love...

"Can we go home now Mommy?"

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